Where are these negative ads?

I have heard a great deal about the purported negative ads being broadcast by WINA. I caught the tail-end of reports on WVIR and and watched the report on WCAV (who has some of the ad text, thankfully)

There are new radio ads that go after incumbent Republican Rob Schilling, and they are attracting fresh attention to next week’s City Council elections.

I have yet to actually hear the ads; are they online anywhere?

It would be a shame if the Democrats went negative. I like to think (idealistic, I know) that reasonable people can disagree – even in a campaign – and disagree with healthy camaraderie and class.

*WINA – please podcast your shows!

Update 04-24-06: Cvillepodcast has WINA’s show with Rob Shilling. Thanks!

Update 04-25-06: The ads are below. After listening to them, I have to agree that they are negative in content and tone. There is no need to have the sound of disgust conveyed in such a manner in a purportedly positive campaign. It appears that the Democrats running are indeed your average politicians, at least as far as the campaign goes. Matter of fact, all candidates pledged not to participate in negative campaigning. Better to spend the campaign money for what you are for. What a shame.

To bring this back to real estate: the decisions of City Councilors regarding tax rates, infrastructure and affordable housing issues directly impact the real estate business and the lives of homeowners, tenants, etc.

Ad #1
Ad #2

Thanks, Rob for the files!

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