The best real estate blog post of the year

Ardell’s post this afternoon gets my nomination.

Zillow is “good enough” because agents aren’t.

Redfin is “good enough” because agents aren’t.

Inspectors and Disclosure Forms aren’t ”good enough” because agents aren’t demanding better service from these areas for their clients.  Don’t get me started on the lead based paint debacle…CYA is the order of the day.

Lead generators are needed because agents aren’t “good enough” to attract clients based on their own merits.

Wow. I have nothing to add. Thank you, Ardell.

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  1. Ardell DellaLoggia August 10, 2006 at 16:19

    You are very welcome. Now go help me get Russ off my back 🙂

  2. jf.sellsius August 10, 2006 at 17:03

    Let “Good enough” be a rallying call to improvement and not a resignation to reality. Let’s all try to help each other, serve our clients better & improve the industry because things “are not good enough”.

  3. Jim Duncan August 12, 2006 at 08:08

    “Good enough” should be the title carried by those who have chosen to pursue other careers.