I cannot discern to whom attribution should be credited, but this thinking is one of my primary goals of every transaction with which I am involved. Just get it done, and get it done right.
It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.
– William James
– Ronald Reagan
– Harry S. Truman
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While I do not know for certian. I initally would attribute that statement to Harry Truman. Reagan never had an original thought that wasn’t first written for him by some very exceptional speech writers.
Although it’s entirely possible that William James, who predates both politicians originated that quote.
Strange, the entire discussion here is who gets the credit for saying something, and for TrvlnMan, its also about saying who shouldn’t get the credit.
Clearly, none of us would have thought of saying it.
I’m a moderate who was never enamored of Reagan, and doesn’t remember his time in office as 8 good years. So I of course couldn’t resist. Put forth as you did- I opted to approach it as a puzzle to be solved.
It’s an admirable attitude to have. One that requires taking the “I” out of “Team”, when teams all to often have too many I’s.
My personal belief is that it’s always nice if someone recognizes it when you do something good*. However it’s never a requisite to do that “good” nor should it ever be.
[*-In this instance “good” can be personal, professional, charitable,.. whatever. Something that impacts someone else in a positive manner.]
Edit= “put forth as you did” should read “put forth as it was.”
In most things today, be it politics or business, it seems that gaining recognition from others takes precedence, rather than simply achieving a task or goal.