Good things about being a real estate agent

Responding to an incoming visitor via this search phrase: good things about being a real estate agent

1) Set your own hours (usually 24/7)
2) Time with family (and the occasional country drive to preview properties). The ability to coach my daughter’s soccer team two days a week and attend all of her games (I’ve missed one in five years) is invaluable. Besides, I sponsor her team!
3) Wake up every day with a fear and determination to earn.
4) Help people (usually nice ones!)
5) Choose those with whom you work

6) Personally, I have a passion for this business. I absolutely love the daily challenges. For learning, sharing, helping and helping others succeed, be they new agents, first-time homebuyers, savvy relocating retirees … the potential for a feeling of profound satisfaction is one of the forces driving me each and every day. The constant challenge of not being consumed by the business is a major component of real estate; I could talk real estate and the associated subjects – politics, taxes, land use, home owners’ associations – all day long, much to the chagrin of my wife.

So long as I have the passion, I will continue to do what I do.

Now, if I could only figure out how to get paid to blog …

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  1. Doug Lindstrom October 4, 2006 at 22:52

    Hello Jim,

    I can relate. My passion for this business can be a detriment to family life (2 young daughters). I suppose the # 1 discipline in our business is balance.

    Keep up the great work! Tremendous blog!!!!!


  2. Jay Thompson October 5, 2006 at 22:54

    “5) Choose those with whom you work”

    Well, except for the occasional dolt on the other side of the transaction…

    “Now, if I could only figure out how to get paid to blog …”

    Let me know if you figure it out!

  3. jf.sellsius October 6, 2006 at 10:33

    Nice post to remind us why we’re in this industry. My favorite is 4.
    Getting paid to blog: We’re starting to learn but don’t have money in the bank yet to be an advisor.