My daughters are great!

When I snuck a cell-phone call in the hospital
room, I put the phone on speaker and when the baby heard her sister’s voice, her
tiny face lit up like it was Christmas morning.

My baby just had to go to the hospital this
past weekend. She has RSV , a potentially very serious respiratory
infection. She is doing much better now and is about 85% of

Seeing her tiny little body
(and having to hold her down while they did it!) being used as a pin cushion for
the IV was one of the worst experiences of my life. She was so helpless and
continues to violently cough as I

My older daughter had to stay
with my father-in-law and the baby missed her so much! When I snuck a cell-phone
call in the hospital room, I put the phone on speaker and when the baby heard
her sister’s voice, her tiny face lit up like it was Christmas

The bond the two of them
have is absolutely amazing.

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