Crozet’s master plan in jeopardy?

Interesting article in The Hook yesterday – here is a quote from Lee
Catlin –

“”It’s not possible to
commit all the money up front,” says Lee Catlin, Albemarle spokeswoman. “It will
be phased in. And even if funding is not fully committed, the plan is still
useful for land use and

That governments
continue to plan without planning for funding is amazing. I would like the
ability to purchase 10 acres, build a house and tell the landowners,
contractors, etc. that I will get around to paying them all in due time. Maybe I
would just make my neighbors pay

Even David Wyant agrees
“Still, plans without funding
concern Wyant. “Over the years, we’ve seen some great plans,” he says. The
funding has always been the tough part, and that will be the case as Pantops
works on its own master plan .”

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