Growth in Fluvanna in 2005

The DP gets in on *the Fluvanna growth action, referencing the recent Weldon Cooper study

“The study shows that while Fluvanna’s population swelled by 4,300 people between 2000 and 2004, Prince William gained 63,200. Still, both counties have grown at about the same rate during that time period, more than 20 percent. … It?ll be interesting to see what happens in the next couple years when the Lake [Monticello subdivision] builds out or gets closer to buildout, and how development occurs outside the area of the lake,” he said.

At last glance, Lake Monticello had about 750 lots left, but many of those are already owned by residents of the subdivision, he said.”

Now, that is an interesting thought that I have not seen mentioned elsewhere yet. What is going to happen when the Lake is no longer the epicenter of growth?

* Update 2023: naturally, another dead link at the Daily Progress

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