Redistricting meeting tonight

Articulate. Well-organized. Prepared.

The above words describe the effort
put forth by the parents and children in the Western Albemarle School District
who will potentially be affected by the redistricting. Whenever a speaker (there
were very few who did not represent Western Albemarle) spoke, his or her
compatriots would wave a yellow or blue construction paper in a sign of
solidarity. I would estimate that approximately 75% of the maybe 200-400 (I’m
not the best with crowds) were from the Murray, Meriweather, Henley or Western
Albemarle districts.

I am confident
that the local news outlets will cover the story in detail soon. The speakers
had cogent, well-prepared arguments. Why should kids in Ivy be bused to the
Southeastern part of the county? Will that be cost-effective? Isn’t one of the
County’s goals to provide for community? All good questions. I do not envy the
members of the committee.

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