Roundup of Greene Developments

Good article here about what is about to happen in Greene.
The growth in Greene County has been phenomenal and the move away from being a
pit stop on the way to Charlottesville is underway.

Of course, Charlottesville’s influence will not be small, as evidenced with this blurb.

” Local developer Ted Kostich is slated to break ground on Ruckersville Village on June 6. Kostich said construction of houses and commercial facilities will begin in the late fall of this year. The 76-acre tract, which was re-zoned from A-1 to PUD (Planned Unit Development), will contain the first development of its kind in Greene.

“It will reverse the trend of everyone going to Charlottesville to get what they need,” Kostich said.

Kostich said the residential units, which will consist of 121 single-family houses, are starting at $400,000 and up.”

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