Date Archives March 2005
Not all mold is the “toxic black mold.” Do your due diligence and ask your Realtor for more information.
Real estate tax reduction in the City
“The largest real estate tax rate cut in over a quarter of a century or longer is being proposed, a 4 cent reduction,” said O’Connell – from WCAV. Instead of helping qualified homeowners pay their…
Much needed road inches closer to …
I don’t know – is there a measure larger than “inches” that can be used as a verb? The Charlottesville City Council approved a route for the Hillsdale Drive Connector that would thread it through…
Huh? Fixed-rates are cheaper?
As the Federal Reserve has boosted short-term rates, it has become more expensive to take out adjustable-rate mortgages and home-equity lines of credit. Usually when short-term interest rates go up, long-term interest rates go up…
New market indicator from NAR
“After several years of study and data collection, the National Association of Realtors has developed the Pending Home Sales Index (PHSI), a new leading indicator for the housing market. The index aims to provide advance…
It’s damned dishonest
When that listing agent allows and even encourages other Realtors to be pushy about getting their buyer-clients in the house before said date, I think that is dishonest and unethical. I don’t work that way…