Date Archives March 2005
Interesting Washington Post article
The reality of what’s for sale at any time has always forced buyers to accept, in order to get. But in today’s frenzied atmosphere, the pressure to compromise may have reached new levels. Buyers must…
Unmarried couples buying homes together
The number of unmarried buyers in the U.S. has risen to 8% in 2003 from 5% in 1993, the National Association of Realtors reports. The category includes groups of at least two buyers who may…
Scottsville -v- Pipeline
Scottsville’s Town Council formally opposes a proposal to pipe James River water from Scottsville to Charlottesville, fearing it would hurt the town’s quality of life.If you bring that [pipeline] down Route 20, you’re talking development, development, development, (Hogan) said.DP reports todayCommunication and information sharing is key to this issue. If the Town of Scottsville feels it is beingrailroaded, the immediate defensive nature will be counterproductive to any positive resolution.Piedmont Environmental Council has some words of clarity on their site.From the data that I have seen, the James River option would probably have the least environmentalimpact; but what do I know? I was an English major.
New 1031 Laws
Retroactive to January 27, 2005, new rulings now allow sellers who have lived in a home 2 out of the last 5 years and rented it out to avoid paying capital gains tax by combining…
Where to advertise.
The advent of the internet has led to quite a change in marketing homes. … What pick up the local newspapers (other than to browse at lunch) and look at a limited selection of probably-already-sold houses when you can go online and look at everything that is currently available, RIGHT NOW?
What factors are fueling strong housing demand?
But even housing-industry executives — typically an optimistic lot — were taken aback when the government reported last week that home-building activity has accelerated. …All this building raises a natural question: Why does the U.S….