Date Archives March 2005

Meadowcreek Parkway vote this evening

There was a great deal of public discussion on the original letter outlining the criteria for City Council to support the Parkway, but there has been NO public debate of this fundamental change in policy….I serve on the Transportation Funding Task Force that is looking into finding ways of paying for road projects and I have to tell you that there is little hope that we will find a source of funds that will pay for the interchange and the many other road projects in our area in the short term. Yes, we may be able to find $25 million to pay for the interchange, but by the time we raise that much money, the cost of the parkway will have doubled and the Interchange will cost $50 million….First, it is irrational to think that the overall transportation system in our area will be hurt by building more roads…. If the Bypass suffersfrom the addition of the Parkway, we should blame ourselves for failing to look ahead and build more roads in the past 50 years.If the desire of City Council is to KILL the parkway, please just pass such a motion so that then we can all move on. We’re sure you are aware that recent surveys indicate that a majority of City residents want the Parkway built, so we would hope that Council does not want to kill the Parkway…. ÊI serve on the Transportation Funding TaskForce that is looking into finding ways of paying for road projects and I haveto tell you that there is little hope that we will find a source of funds thatwill pay for the interchange and the many other road projects in our area in theshort term. ÊYes, we may be able to find $25 million to pay for theinterchange, but by the time we raise that much money, the cost of the parkwaywill have doubled and the Interchange will cost $50 million.ÊÊWefind little credibility in the argument that the intersection fails if theparkway is built…. ÊIf the Bypass suffers fromthe addition of the Parkway, we should blame ourselves for failing to look aheadand build more roads in the past 50years.ÊIfthe desire of City Council is to KILL the parkway, please just pass such amotion so that then we can all move on. ÊWe?re sure you are awarethat recent surveys indicate that a majority of City residents want the Parkwaybuilt, so we would hope that Council does not want to kill the Parkway.ÊWhatever happens, we hope that you will not practice secretive politicsand avoid the sunlight of publicparticipation.ÊThankyou for your consideration.

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ASAP’s annual report

WINA – The annual report from the group Advocates for a Sustainable Albemarle Population contains its goals for 2005. ASAP wants the County to provide information on how many people it estimates could live here without affecting quality of life. The group is also looking at the urban water supply and ways of estimating the County’s optimum population size…. While ASAP has disagreed with CAAR on a number of issues and approaches, we agree on this fundamental principle?it should be easier for developers to build in the Growth Areas than in the Rural Areas, and County policies should reinforce that principle.

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