Date Archives April 2005

Interesting Data

The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight has quite a bit of information! Below are a couple of screenshots that show the Percent Change in House Prices through the fourth Quarter 2004 for both the US and the Charlottesville region. US Annual Percent Change in OFHEO MSA House Price Indexes through 2004 Q4 for the Charlottesville Region.

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Hollymead Town Center update

NBC29 Online: Albemarle County is excited about the creation of jobs as well as the new shopping opportunities. The county envisions a community where people can live, work and shop without traveling too far. Due primarily to the fact that nobody wants to drive the 29 North Corridor. Besides Target, some of the other stores that will be a the Hollymead Town Cetner include Harris Teeter, Friday’s, Petsmart, Nextel and Wells-Fargo.

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Chemistry when choosing an agent

From the RealEstateJournal (update 3 Feb 2014 – the previous link broke; this one works)

Finding an agent is a lot like dating: Chemistry counts. You’ve given ample hints that you prefer No. 1, the agent with whom you have rapport.

I am not sure that my wife would agree, but this is true. If there is not the appropriate chemistry between client and Realtor, the working relationship may be more difficult. Be sure you feel comfortable with your Realtor and feel that you can trust him/her. Not all Realtors are the same!

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Greene passes real-estate tax Greene County supervisors unanimously approved a real-estate tax of 84 cents per $100 of assessed value Thursday, as many residents voiced their support for the school system during a public hearing. Greene has needed an increase for a while. Their precipitous growth has far outpaced the county’s need for revenues, primarily due to the large increase in the school population.

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Higher local unemployment since VA now has to count more people: You may have noticed a significant jump in unemployment in the Charlottesville area. Virginia, in fact most states, had been basing their unemployment figures on population numbers from the 1990 census…. This year the federal agency in charge is requiring states to use the 2000 census in their calculations, which has led to a jump, albeit a clerical one, in unemployment. Bill Metzger of the Virginia Employment Commission says our region’s unemployment now stands at 2.9 per cent. Charlottesville’s jump in unemployment is due entirely to accounting.

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Mac’s new OS

I am going to be upgrading to the new Apple operating system, Tiger, very soon…. I love my Mac and it makes me more productive. Walter Mossberg Overall, Tiger is the best and most advanced personal computer operating system on the market, despite a few drawbacks…. Tiger is the classiest version of Mac OS X ever and, by many measures, the most secure, stable and satisfying consumer operating system prowling the earth.

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Albemarle County Schools Redistricting

Albemarle County, having just redistricted a few students for the Fall 2005, is ramping up again to redistrict many more students for the Fall 2006 school year…. Check and double-check where your kids will go to school. Look at the school district maps – Albemarle’s are here – and call the Transportation Department. Most REALTORS try their very best to have the most up-to-date, accurate information, but always do your own due diligence.

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