Date Archives April 2005

Poor service

I met a nice couple today who are in the process of acclimating themselves to our market. Planning to send a few properties that meet their basic needs/wants in the Crozet area, I am sending them some active and under contract properties…. There are 44 properties active and under contract in the Crozet area that meet their basic needs…. Two questions – why do Realtors not put at least one picture in the MLS and two, why do Sellers not insist on better service?

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Water meeting tomorrow

The DP reports on tomorrow’s water hearing with The Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Environmental Quality and the Fish and Wildlife Service at 10:30 a.m. in conference room A at the Albemarle County Office Building. One of the misconceptions is that we as a region have autonomy with regards to the upcoming decision. In fact, the above referenced government agencies will tell us which option is best, primarily regarding environmental impact.

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Another bubble article

As the prime season for buying and selling unfolds, very few homes are for sale, prices are climbing rapidly and desperate would-be buyers are bidding feverishly against each other…. To afford ever-pricier homes while keeping monthly payments under control, buyers are routinely taking out interest-only loans, adjustable-rate mortgages or even negative-amortization mortgages, where a buyer borrows more than the purchase price of the home, something that worries even the most bullish of housing economists and builders…. Investors comprise a large part of (guessing >20%) of the market and, most importantly to me, most of my Buyers are not local. They are coming from other markets, with their New York, Boston, California money and thereby pushing prices even higher.

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A tough loss

My daughter played a great game today – scored the goal! My phone was ringing like mad in my back pocket, but I have learned that it is important to schedule out family time. My daughter’s soccer games and practices are non-negotiable appointments. I hope that my clients and customers respect that.

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Great marketing plan

My mom and I went on a listing presentation this evening for a corporate relocation of a State Farm employee…. It felt good to be able to match some awards and accolades with her; she has been in the business for most of my life and I am finally building my own referral business and accolades. When asked whether we have a website besides the basic MLS, I was able to rattle off our main website,, this blog, Century 21 Manley’s site, Century 21’s site … I forgot to mention the links through Visualtour’s site, Homegain’s site and Yahoo’s listings.

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