NGIC may add employees

The HooK: NEWS- More spies? NGIC woes– and maybe grows:

The DoD recommends moving intelligence analysis tasks– potentially 1,337 jobs– from Bolling Air Force Base in DC to NGIC’s new, tucked-away Rivanna Station facility two miles north of the Charlottesville airport. That also fits nicely with defense strategies to relocate key functions out of the Washington area.

Chamber of Commerce head Tim Hulbert is pleased with the possibility of more federal jobs, but finds it “highly optimistic” that 1,300 would come here. “One hundred would be great,” he says.
He calls NGIC (pronounced “n-jic”) “a good solid employer” and says the federal government usually pays at market rate or above. “It’s important that we add jobs, and the most exciting component is adding career-ladder jobs. We want to see NGIC healthy and playing an increased role in the community. We like NGIC,” says the pro-business spokesman.

More contractors means more home sales … most likely at higher prices. Charlottesville’s relatively close proximity to DC is a big boon to those companies that need “striking distance” to the NoVa/Dc region. These jobs are good for our economy as a whole.

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