Date Archives May 2005

Fighting The Power To Take Your Home

A case pending before the Supreme Court, Kelo v. New London , concerns a redevelopment plan in Connecticut; it questions the use of eminent domain when governments take the land from some property owners to make it available to other property owners, alleging that the private use makes the land transfer unconstitutional and illegal. The case’s success in reaching the Supreme Court has re-opened a policy debate that started in 1954, when a landmark case involving the redevelopment of Southwest Washington allowed governments to use eminent domain for urban renewal and slum removal projects.Eminent Domain is something about which everyone needs to be aware.

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29 Master Plan

Community Development (Planning)-Places 29 Master Plan ALBEMARLE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLACES 29 MASTER PLAN Welcome to the website for Places 29, an exciting community planning project which will help shape the future of northern Albemarle…

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It pays to be prepared!

Thankfully, I have a very recent backup and Apple may be able to recover the data.The next 5 to 7 business days will be a struggle…. Words cannot describe how thankful I am to have a very recent backup with all of my files, but most importantly, about 7,000 photos, consisting of a visual history of my toddler’s entire life and the majority of my older one’s life.Backup.

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