Date Archives May 2005

Albemarle may add another layer to development approval

The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors is set to add another layer to developments’ approvals.You can read all about it here…. Given the relatively small number of potential members with the necessary expertise, staff hoped to avoid preventing the participation of any interested and capable people…. At the request of the staff, Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors, review selected development proposals for biodiversity impacts, and provide comment regarding the impacts, potential mitigation measures, and/or alternative approaches to the development.What does this mean besides that this Committee may have carte blanche to in effect deny new developments?

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Wine laws struck down

The Supreme Court struck down state laws that restricted direct sales across state lines by wineries to consumers, setting the stage for a wider industry shakeup and giving a boost to small vineyards seeking to sell their product over the Internet….”Wine is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to protectionist laws and regulations in this country,” said Robert Atkinson, director of the Technology and New Economy Project at the Progressive Policy Institute, a centrist Democratic think tank in Washington. He cited cars and real estate as areas in which e-commerce is tipped in favor of the industries.This should be great news for local vineyards such as King Family Vineyards in Crozet, White Hall Vineyards, and perhaps even my personal favorite wine shop, Rio Hill Wine (Doug is knowledgeable and not at all pretentious). More information on Virginia wines can be found here.

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