Date Archives May 2005

CNN/Money: Top housing markets

CNN/Money: Top housing markets:U.S. residential real estate markets lost no steam in the first quarter of 2005, according to statistics released Thursday by the National Association of Realtors (NAR)It is a bit refreshing that Charlottesville is not listed here. Not because we have not experienced appreciation similar to Richmond or the VA Beach region (16.2% and 22.2%, respectively) but because we aren’t big enough – yet.

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Albemarle County Kicked Off “Places 29”

You’ve seen the construction and development just north of Charlottesville along U.S. Route 29, and may have wondered to yourself “is this just the tip of the iceberg?”…The growth you’ve seen is just a prelude for things to come. Albemarle County currently has the highest rate of job growth, and consequently, the lowest rate of unemployment in Virginia. This could mean big things for our area especially sprawl.Interesting albeit short article at WCAV.

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Bigger Bids Aren’t Always Better Bids

But even now, it’s not all about money, money, money.What both buyers and sellers should understand is that the highest offer is not necessarily the strongest…. Understanding how all these items relate is critical to putting together a successful bid, or choosing the strongest offer.This WP article is very good in many respects and very worth reading…. If a ready, willing and able buyer is willing to spend $15k more than his or her competition to purchase a house for the family, and stay in the house for a number of years, then that buyer is not overpaying.

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Gov’t contractor firm expanding

MZM Inc., a national security firm with an office in Albemarle County, is buying the former Technicolor plant, a move expected to bring in hundreds of new jobs….Hagy said he expects many of the employees to be hired from Greene and the Charlottesville area.MZM has close relationships with the Albemarle County-based National Ground Intelligence Center and the University of Virginia, Friedman said. Other clients include the Department of Defense and the Army, for whom the company provides secure office and warehousing facilities.I am always surprised when I hear just how many government contractors we have in the Charlottesville/Central Virginia area. This sector of our economy has been very good for our economy and our market for many years, with signs only (publicly) of expansion.

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More on local schools

WINA -Several local schools made the annual list of America’s top high schools.The latest issue of “Newsweek” Magazine ranks Charlottesville, Albemarle, and Western Albemarle High School on the list of the Top 1000 schools. Having a large number of students taking Advanced Placement tests will generally help a school’s cause.CHS appears in position #485. Albemarle High shows up as #769, and Western Albemarle appears as #886.

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