Alternative transportation poll

The Daily Progress has a poll asking “Do you think Charlottesville needs more alternative transportation options?

When I answered the poll question this morning, 80% (178 votes) had answered yes. 17% (39 votes) answered no, and the ever-present “Not sure” contingent consisted of 4 votes equating 1% of the votes.

This is a nice poll that is incredibly flawed. When given the question of “do I want my daughter to like boys?” I will answer a swift and firm NO. Do I want lots of puppies? Sure! Do I want to go to work today? Not really. This is a feel-good poll that, if nothing less, shows that some people are thinking, at least a little bit, about alternative transportation

If I could figure out how to do a poll on this site, and I had the traffic to give a decent response I would ask –

–Do you think that Central Virginia region needs more alternative transportation options? Continuing the Charlottesville-centric myopia does a disservice to us all.

–If yes, would you be willing to pay an additional $5 per day/more in a localized gas tax/higher consumption tax of some form in order to pay for these improvements?

–If yes, would you be in favor of the local governments possibly taking property from private landowners so that they can build these improvements? (this would be an example of the right kind of eminent domain!)

–If no, are you happy with the current amount of traffic/infrastructure in our region?

We have to realize that the transportation issues we are all facing impact us all from a property value aspect as well as a basic quality of life aspect.

Does anybody else have any possible poll questions?

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