Meadowcreek finds money

Sen. John Warner has helped the Meadowcreek Parkway see the light of day. Make no mistake – this is huge.

Warner said he decided to earmark the federal transportation dollars available to him as a senior senator to pay for a grade-separated interchange at the U.S. 250 Bypass, McIntire Road and the southern end of the parkway that has been planned for more than 30 years. The 2-mile parkway would extend from East Rio Road to Melbourne Road, wind through the east edge of McIntire Park and end at the U.S. 250 Bypass
“It doesn’t have a damn thing to do with politics or anything like that. It’s just an old [former University of Virginia law] student’s expression of gratefulness to the community,” Warner said in a telephone interview.
This quote irritates me a bit as it is our money he is talking about. Whatever it takes to get the Parkway built. Even pork. Now, we need to ensure that those who were using the Interchange as their reason for voting against the Parkway now abide by their word and support the Parkway.
From the DP.

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