Date Archives September 2005

Get a new hobby!

In a report that is indicative of the what happens when barriers to entry are low -A 46.1 percent increase in the number of Realtors in Massachusetts since 2001 means there is now one Realtor for every 1.6 houses sold in the state so far this year.  That number is on track to fall far short of the 2.9 houses sold for every one Realtor four years ago.This sort of number hurts everybody – including me and my business!  Now I just need to find the numbers for the Virginia Association of Realtors.

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Albemarle County BOS elections

There are several local elections this fall, none more contested and interesting than the open seat in the Rio District of the Board of Supervisors, which pits Gary Grant, Thomas Jakubowski and David Slutsky against each other….  Another potentially very interesting campaign is the Jack Jouett District election which sees the incumbent, Dennis Rooker against newcomer Christian Schoenwald.  I expect that Mr. Schoenwald will soon rectify his bio information, as it is in his best interest to have the best, most accurate information in the public’s purview….  It is in every Albemarle citizen’s best interest to 1) inform and educate themselves and 2) preferably when sufficiently educated on the candidates and pertinent issues, vote.Read more about the candidates at Charlottesville Tomorrow’s Election Watch page.

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Discussing the potential bubble yesterday with a client, we noted some of the parallels between the “irrational exuberance” of the tech bubble and the “froth” in today’s housing market.1) Local Salaries are not keeping pace with housing prices.2) There is a limit on how many people from other markets can afford to move to the Central VA area.3) Look at how many REALTORS there are now – as everyone was moving into day trading, so are many moving into the real estate market.  The misconception that this business is “easy money.”  It’s not.  4) Everybody is talking about real estate, refinancing, etc.Active – ContingentPending Sold Withdrawn I am not sure what to think about the dramatic increase in the number of Withdrawn listings.

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Regional Transportation Poll

I am trying out a new feature – a poll to the right.  Our transportation/infrastructure issues are not isolated to the City of C’Ville, County of Albemarle, Greene, Fluvanna, et….  If you have the time and inclination, please take a moment to vote ……  If you have any ideas or additions to the poll, please post your comments below.

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Meadowcreek Parkway study

Things that could trip it up -1) Lawsuit requiring the localities to tie the interchange and and the parkway as one large project rather than two separate, independent entities (which it is).  I wrote about this (thanks to C-Ville) last week.2) TheThe Free Enterprise Forum has just released an exceptional study they commissioned by Draper Aden Associates.Neil Williamson, the director of the FEF, said “What our report shows is that an at grade intersection that’s actually a roundabout would handle the traffic for at least the near term while the federal project moves forward through it’s approval process”.If funding gets yanked due to Katrina and now Rita expenses, this study proves that there is a very viable alternativeHarrison Rue of TJPED states in yesterday’s DP:“While I agree with the premise of the report, it will be far better, now that we’ve found the money, to do a timely location and design study and ensure both components of the intersection are built at the same time,” ……  By the time any new studies are completed, they may be on their way to obsolescence as the numbers and environment (as well as the political environment) may have changed.  In short, the addition of federal funds to the mix may present us the opportunity to build the interchange.

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