WINA notes last night’s decision here…. Most importantly, Brian Wheeler, clarifies a few items on his blog.Of note – At last night’s meeting we also learned the following about enrollment as of 9/6/05 :Total students = 12,433 (60 above projection for this year)
Agnor-Hurt is 37 students above projection
Brownsville is 19 students above projection
Crozet is 30 students above projection
Henley is 29 students above projectionIf you are wondering where the bulk of the growth is – look at the numbers above. Three of the four schools above the projected numbers are in the Western Albemarle District. A wise man said to me recently that if you cannot hit the school with a rock, don’t be assured that your kids will go there …
Date Archives September 2005
Charlottesville’s Shelter From the Storm
If you have $20 to spend and want to listen to some excellent music the weekend of 22 September – Due to the recent disaster caused by Hurricane Katrina, a collection oflocal musicians, venue owners, booking agents and concerned citizens have banded together to produce amusical and artistic extravaganza from September 22-25 to help benefit its victims….
Charlottesville area Market update/bubble?
Prevailing wisdom says that one of the major indicators of a bursting real estate bubble is an increase in the number of homes on the market. Using the local MLS, I pulled together the number of homes that were Active, Contingent or Pending in 2004 versus 2005. There are two snapshots – one for January through September and one for April through August…. In short, there were significantly more properties on the market in Albemarle, Charlottesville, Fluvanna and Greene in the “Spring Market” of 2005 versus 2004.
Good day.
At the end of the day, his wife asked if my college ring was a VMI ring…. We commiserated for a few minutes about our mutual experiences, and soon after said our goodbyes…. For those who aren’t familiar with this term, suffice it to say it is something that a relative few have experienced and it represents the toils, triumph and mutual respect that could only be achieved through hard work, integrity, dedication and sheer stubborn persistence. The VMI/Citadel experience may be no longer, but their tradition and respect persists.
Alternative advertising
My foray into alternative methods of advertising continues … I look forward to seeing the results. Charlottesville Podcasting Network is doing a fascinating podcast this Sunday at Tastings.
Transportation Progress?
From today’s DP – With Old Trail coming, we should make sure that the roads in Crozet are usable,†Supervisor Sally H…. Wyant, whose White Hall district includes Crozet, said his mindset on road improvements has changed.“I’m almost at the point now where the roads are not what I think we should have an emphasis on, but it should be sidewalks and bike trails and maybe mass transit,†Wyant said…. My feeling is that mass transit may not be in the cards for three years, five years, ten years, maybe even twenty-five years; but I think that it must be considered when looking at the regional transportation needs. I hope that the Alliance for Community Choice in Transportation folks see this and use it as a stepping stone to further this discussion.
Just a thought.
I live in Crozet and drive into Charlottesville most morning. Listening to NPR this morning, they were discussing how heating fuel prices may rise 70% this winter. Gas prices are quite high already. Why do 90% of all the vehicles on the road in the morning have only one person?