
op-por-tu-ni-ty |ˌäpərˈt(y)oōnitē| |ˌˈɑpərˌˈt(j)unədi| |ɒpəˌtjuːnɪti|
noun ( pl. -ties)
a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something : we may see increased opportunities for export | the collection gives students the opportunity of reading works by well-known authors.
• a chance for employment or promotion : career opportunities in our New York headquarters.

Yesterday evening I had the opportunity to give an unexpected marketing presentation. I did as well as I could, and frankly think I did quite well, especially given the short amount of preparation (thanks to my assistant 🙂 ) and that I had just come off of four hours of showing properties.

I am thankful and grateful that I had the opportunity. The property is 1) beautiful and 2) in Crozet, (which would be a fantastic commute for me). Not taking this business for granted is something I have learned throughout my life. Each day is new and presents new and different opportunities to shine and excel. I get excited at the prospect of earning new business and clients – as soon as the excitement begins to ebb, I think I will look for a new career. Making the most out of each and every opportunity …

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