It’s working!

A major part of my business strategy is consistency and honor. Another is to embrace emerging trends and technology. Today, as part of a larger post, I received a little bit of recognition from

Jim Duncan provides a great example of how a blog can be beneficial to its author and to the community. Until he’d started blogging, I’d never heard his name. Now, if you asked me to name three real estate agents in the area, I don’t doubt that I’d name him. The few hundred subscribers to the Charlottesville Blogs RSS feed may well do the same, as would whatever number of people read his site regularly. The benefit to me is that I now have a sense of area real estate — I understand what the trends are, how we’re impacted by national market changes, and I think I get how real estate fits into the large picture in Charlottesville.

Going from “never heard of” to “one of three” is pretty good, and frankly feels kind of good. Everyone wants to be recognized (in a good way), and while I have a hard time seeking out public recognition, it still feels good. Humility and consistency have and always will remain hallmarks of my business.  I have heard it said that participating the local blogosphere makes one feel more connected to Charlottesville; this is a success that is due in large part to Waldo’s leadership. Thank you.

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