Exactly what our region needs – more high end homes.

From today’s DP

Greene County supervisors on Tuesday opened the door for a new high-end neighborhood in Ruckersville. … The 40 new one- and two-story houses likely will cost between $430,000 and $450,000 – a price range that would cover most county service costs, developer Barry Dofflemyer said. In addition, the company will give the county $2,000 in proffers for each house built.
… As for the proffers, Dofflemyer doubled the amount per home from $1,000 to $2,000. (bolding mine)

Regarding the question of proffers – is $2,000 a number that is deemed to be sufficient for these houses to integrate into the community? That number seems to me to be fairly arbitrary. The cost per student in the County schools is probably at least $5,000 per annum; a one-time proffer of $2,000 is supposed to cover the cost of students? If $2,000 is all that the County will require, that is fine, but selling the proffer as a major concession that will cover most costs – that strikes me as disingenuous. Think of the school costs, water costs, transportation, etc. I would like to see what studies the County and developer are using to come up with the $2,000 number. I love being proven wrong.

Update: from an offline commenter:

I think it is important to note (as the supes did in their meeting) at $450,000 the county generates significant additional revenue beyond the educational cost impacts.  The developer provided financial models based on .8, 1.8 and 2 children per home and all were a net positive.

Every county has a break even point for cost of a home and services provided.  Greene County does not have a proffer program yet (they are working on the CIP now).  This was truly a voluntary proffer.

This was interesting and pertinent regarding the impending Albemarle County BoS elections.

Greene likely will be the home for most of Dofflemyer’s future projects, he said, because Albemarle County has become a difficult place for a small developer to work.

Where do you think these new homeowners will work? The argument for planning for mass transit get stronger.

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