CharlAlbemarle’s water supply

Charlottesville Tomorrow has an excellent summary and podcast about last night’s Public Outreach meeting held by the RWSA. That they are holding these meetings shows how far they have come since Tom Frederick took the helm.

Bill Emory notes:

RWSA has taken the community input about the water source and they are acting to realize the vision! The vision is one of stewardship, living within the means provided by our watershed. I am cautiously optimistic.

Optimism is a good thing, something that is typically lacking when one references government entities. Charlottesville Tomorrow’s blog is fast becoming almost a one-stop shop regarding local government. In time, I would like to see the local governments podcast much of their Planning Commission meeting, BoS meetings, City Council, etc. The quick progress that Cville Tomorrow is making is an excellent sign.

As always, stay informed. The water debate is a sign of the public actually being heard and making a difference.

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