My own personal spam.

I received the following this morning … apparently from myself. At least one other person (a lender with whom I work), kindly emailed me declining “my” request. No one yet has send me their particulars, but I continue to wait in anxious anticipation.

First I must solicit your confidence in this transaction, though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make anyone apprehensive and worried,
but I assure you that all is well at the end of the day. We have decided to contact you due to the urgency of this Transaction, as we have been reliably
informed of your discreteness and ability in transaction of this nature. Let me start by first introducing myself properly. I am senior manager with the
(S.S.B BANK Plc), Accra Ghana I came to know of you in my private search for a reliable and a reputable person to handle this confidential transaction,
which involves maximum confidence.

PROPOSITION: A foreigner, Late engineer Jacques Monroe, an oil merchant/contractor with the Government of Ghana, until his death in a ghastly air
crash, banked with us here at S.S.B.BANK Plc Accra, and had a closing balance as at the end of march, 2002 worth USD$23.5 million (Twenty three
million, Five Hundred Thousand United State dollars) Which the bank now expect a next of kin to claim as beneficiary. Valuable effort are being made by the
BANK to get in touch with any of the Monroe`s family or relatives but there has been no success. It is because of the perceived possibility of not being able
to locate any of the late Engr. Jacques Monroe next of kin (he had no children that is known to us.) The management under the influence of our chairman
and member of the board of Director, that an arrangement has been made for the funds to be declared =93UNCLAIMABLE=94 and subsequently be donated
to the Trust Fund for Arms and Ammunition to further enhance the course of war in Africa and the world in general while people are suffering. There are no good
schools, no clean water and no good hospitals etc. In order to avert this negative development, some of my trusted Colleagues and I now seek your permission
to have you stand as a next of kin to the late Engr Jacques Monroe so that the funds USD$23.5million would be released and paid into your account as the
beneficiary next of kin. All document and proves to enable you get this fund will be carefully worked out by me.

My colleagues and I want to use 70% of our share in this money for charity. Building good hospital and schools to help the less privileged ones. If you are interested
you are to be the contractor to supervise this money to make sure it is being used for what it is meant for. If you are not interested, it is not a must but it is only I
believe you would do it better that is why I contacted.

We are going to give you 20% of the total fund for securing the money. Even the money in question is already in Europe of which if you are interested, we would
direct you to whom you are to contact and the code which you would present and that would confirm you the bonafide owner of this fund.

If this proposal is accepted by you. Please do not take advantage of the trust we have bestowed on you, please kindly forward to me immediately your most confidential
telephone, fax number, and particulars so that I can apply for the release and subsequent Transfer of the funds in your favor.

Thanks in advance for your anticipated cooperation.


Yours faithfully,

Mr. James Duncan.

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  1. Todd Sallee November 1, 2005 at 18:37

    This is a scam. My coworker receives about one of these a day.
    Menifee Real Estate

  2. Jim November 1, 2005 at 18:56

    I know; I just felt all warm and fuzzy to see my name in spam. I am so proud