Your ultimate home?

What’s in your “ultimate home”?

Someone on MetaFilter’s Q&A site recently posted a question of interest to DIYers: “What features would you design in to your dream home?” It’s a fun question…

Among the better (or funnier) ones:
• Secret rooms
• Radient heating in floors
• Voice command lighting
• Laundry chutes and dumbwaiters
• Urinals in the bathroom

I have seen homes before in this area with all of these features. Arcane Technologies is a local company that will address the automatic house aspects …

Hat tip to Houseblogs.

Everybody has a list of good and bad aspects of their homes. What are yours?

(Visited 29 times, 1 visits today)


  1. Joe November 4, 2005 at 14:49

    Non-negotiable items in my ultimate home:

    * Urinals
    * Walkout master shower (no tub)
    * DLP projector w/ hidden mechanical projection screen
    * Bose surround sound
    * At least 1/2 acre of grounds manicured to resemble Jefferson’s gardens at UVA
    * Cat5 networking
    * Workout room w/ networked media center
    * Sauna
    * Stone patio w/ firepit

    Nothing too extravagant.

  2. Herb November 4, 2005 at 17:49

    *Indoor pool – and I don’t mean a flooded basement…

    *food and maid service

    *multiple broadband providers, in case one is out

    *No cat5 needed, wireless will do



    Why aren’t these options on the real estate website search page?

  3. Jim November 4, 2005 at 18:02

    Great options – they should be on the search page! Maybe I will add them to my site. I think that high-speed access needs to be an option – it certainly is a requirement for me and most of my clients.