Albemarle BoS race, etc.

A short post this morning on the Albemarle BoS race – Christian Schoenwald lost resoundingly to the formidable incumbent Dennis Rooker in the Jack Jouett District despite running a good race. David Slutzky defeated a strong opponent in Gary Grant and Dr. Jakubowski in the Rio District.

You may recall that the Charlottesville Association of Realtors (CAAR) endorsed both Schoenwald and Slutzky. We did this because we felt that these gentlemen were the best candidates for the jobs. We were able to effect a change in the race, I think, if only a little bit. David Slutzky is the most qualified candidate for the job, and I believe that Albemarle will benefit from his years of experience and his vast wealth of knowledge. The next several years should prove interesting and critical. Mr. Slutzky and his fellow Supervisors have an awful lot of work and planning to do.

One of the benefits that will come from this election is that CAAR has established itself as being an organization that stands up for its beliefs. Perhaps more importantly, CAAR has shown that it is not, as perceptions may believe, strictly a conservative Republican stronghold. We analyzed all the candidates and supported those whom we felt would best represent the community.

CAAR’s other endorsed candidate, David Toscano, won as well (I didn’t have a vote, but I probably would have voted for Tom McCrystal)

One thing that needs to be noted. All of the races were run in a gentlemanly fashion. I personally did not see or hear any negative ads or any advertisements that attacked opposing candidates.  These races were refreshing and I would hope (here’s my idealism again) that they would serve as a model for other candidates and races. Our region should be proud of all its candidates.

There should be a good discussion of the races at Cvillenews.

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