Transportation, the MPO and streetcars

Charlottesville Tomorrow has a podcast and report of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization’s meeting on 17 November.

Who would have thought a year ago that today we would have two podcast producers – Wordcast and CvilleTomorrow?

Another nifty item of note is the renewed push for streetcars on West Main Street.

The work highlights the integral link between land-use and transportation, by examining how a modern streetcar system could shape development along this central corridor. Also presented is the successful streetcar project in Portland, Ore., and its potential relationship to the Charlottesville Streetcar Initiative. The exhibit will allow Charlottesville residents and leaders to see first hand how these alluring transit systems can provide access, reduce traffic and stimulate transit-oriented development. (Hat tip to Road to Ruin)

ACCT has been working on this for some time. The great question is – who will pay? Tourists via a bed tax? Sales tax? Property owners via real estate taxes? That would hardly seem fair and equitable.

Transportation has been in the news a lot recently – creative, productive community involvement and a search for alternative methods of transportation is a good thing.

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