Toy Lift 2005

This year’s Toy Lift is well under way. (It never really stops; coordinating this type of charity is a never-ending process).

My wife and I have volunteered for this for the past couple of years – it truly is a worth-while cause and I encourage any and all to donate. Even one toy can make a kid’s Christmas morning better.

From AlbemarleKids’ page (they wrote it better than I):

Toy Lift is the signature event of the Kids Lift Foundation. Toy Lift began in 1989 when founder Tom Powell decided to perch himself eighty feet up in a bucket truck until people donated 1,000 toys, which he then distributed to local children. Toy Lift has grown into a huge annual community event with festival activities, entertainment, and raising over 18,000 toys. Lowe’s Parking Lot or at Lake Monticello in front of Back 2 Health.  $free.  All ages welcome.  For details, please click this link.  For more info call: 975-TOYS or email.

Please donate. There are many worthwhile charities in the area; another excellent one is the Thomas Jefferson Area Food Bank.

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