In search of the GenX Buyer

This article speaks to how I try to do business, and about one of the “target markets” with whom I like to think I work very well.

Members of this age group care very much about HOW the entire sales process goes. Intangibles, like whether the desired information can be found online, or the personality and sales style of their real estate agent, take on considerable importance. Mess up there, and the buyer walks.

As a group, Generation X home buyers are characterized as pragmatic, flexible, self-reliant, independent, informal, and disillusioned. The want what they want, the way they want it—and they want it now. To work effectively with these buyers, an agent needs to step back and give them cooperation, without imposing their perspective. Competence is valued over schmoozing.

An important quality of this group is a preference for loyalty and long-term relationships. They share recommendations with their friends, and they keep coming back.

Hmmm – guiding and advising rather than dictating, establishing trusted relationships with the expectation that these relationships will be ongoing and long-lasting … I can do that.

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