Local blogging – it’s a start.

The DP has an interesting article this morning about the growing local blogging community (side note, I too want to be a blogist), which has been brought into focus, in my opinion, by Waldo. Cvilleblogs is a simple idea, and brilliant in its simplicity and function.

Blogging builds community relations. Rick Sincere notes that

… blogs have their greatest impact at the local level in bringing people together in the 21st century version of talking over the back fence, around the general store’s wood stove, or at the barber shop.

I would love to have the time to go to Staples; blogging serves as my local connection in a lot of ways. I take away a lot more than I contribute. I was quoted and hope that I sounded less the fool than I think I sound. Reading your quotes in print is akin to listening to your voice on tape for the first time – it’s weird and you think you sound funny. For the record, here is the post to which I was referring:

“Finding a real estate agent is kind of like dating. You have a small window to make an impression and then you’re with that person for a long time.”

My blog serves as an introduction (my hope and goal is that of a positive one) to potential clients and frequently to fellow bloggers. The initial, purely selfish goal of garnering new business remains; the attempt to educate and inform has grown and taken its place as an equal purpose. I have “met” several people through this medium whom I never would have met before, read focused opinions that have helped shape my own thoughts and opinions.

One thing that is interesting to me is that if a concert or store is crowded we count it as a great success and we build more stores and scehdule (sic) more concerts. But if a road is crowded we count it as a failure and say “See, this doesn’t work, let’s not do it any more.”

Blogging is like anything else that is successful. Blogging has seen an awful lot of growth this year. 2006 will see more growth in podcasting and the search for green homes. Writing can be frustrating at times, extraordinarily fulfilling, time consuming and hopefully financially rewarding. I strive to do it candidly, transparently and from the heart at all times.

My evolving goals are as follows, and I reserve the right to constantly reevaluate –

  1. Stay local (for now). “”I focus as much as possible on local issues. It’s where I live and where I can have an impact.”” I am passionate about real estate and the Charlottesville/Central VA region.
  2. Those who like what they read will contact me if they are considering buying or selling real estate; if they don’t that’s ok, too.
  3. Urge readers to get involved in local politics and take ownership of the “system.” Not doing so is negligent.

As Mr. Sincere says,

We’re in early days, folks. We have a lot to learn and a lot to try that hasn’t even been imagined yet.

2006 will be intriguing. I love what I do and I hope it shows.

Update: to emphasize the local nature of my blog, I looked at the stats provided by StatCounter. With the caveat that this is for the last 100 page loads (hey, it’s free!) – 45% are from Virginia and 27% are from Charlottesville.

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