End of year Realtor stats

It’s time for my brief analysis of Realtor activity for 2005. More detailed market statistics will be coming soon; I just wish our MLS had a more robust statistical engine, like those used on my favorite NoVa. blog.

Definition of a “side” – when an agent represents either the Purchaser or the Seller in a real estate transaction.

873 Realtors in the Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors had at least one “side” in 2005. 501 had at least 5 sides. Of the top 10 agents, 6 of those 10 sold primarily condo conversions or new construction.

Exception: one agent had five sides, but averaged $11 million per transaction. Nice.

Between the two of us, Betty and me, we were a part of 57 sides! Believe it or not, this profession requires a tremendous amount of work, dedication and time. I still love what I do; how many people can say that?
My reason for writing about this is to encourage the general public to do their due diligence when choosing to work with someone, in this or any other profession. Volume is one indicator of success, trust and integrity are two of the others in my mind.

In order to take our business to the next level, we are going to hire an assistant this year. Anyone have the time and the passion to step up? I’ll be writing more on this soon.

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