Crozet’s Growth

Charlottesville Tomorrow has a good summary of the Albemarle County BoS meeting today, specifically relating to the Crozet Master Plan. Also nice is that Cville Tomorrow has a podcast of the event.

Wickham Pond was approved today as well.

I look forward to the news reports and spin tomorrow.

If you have the time, read Brian Wheeler’s analysis of the projected growth of the Albemarle County Schools.

I remain torn between allowing private property owners the right to use and develop their land however they see fit and maintaining the quality of life we have come to enjoy. Development may be a right, but what happens to property values if the Central VA region is no longer such a desirable place to live?

The DP reports as does WINA.

This part of the DP article troubles me (as a resident of Crozet):

Even to reach the population figure of 12,000, Crozet – which now has a population of about 3,600 – would have to grow at a rate of 8 percent each year. Currently, Albemarle County’s population grows at a yearly rate of less than 2 percent. “The growth required to achieve [the 20-year build-out figures] is way in excess of anywhere in the county,” board Chairman Dennis S. Rooker said.

Crozet has been growing at quite a rapid pace for the past several years, probably faster than these Supervisors anticipated. There is good data supporting this here.

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