Buyer Presentation Letters

“Who are they?” That is the question that almost every single one of my Seller clients asks … immediately following “What is the price?” “When do they want to close?”

I was looking at some of the keyword phrases that brought visitors to this site, and saw “realtor buyer cover letters;” leading to this previous post titled “It’s not always about the money.” Given appropriate time, I always write cover letters presenting my Buyers to the Sellers. Especially in a highly competitive market, that letter may make the difference between the Seller’s acceptance of our offer versus one of the others. Even in a less competitive market, I think that a presentation letter is 1) a nice thing to do and 2) something that sets me apart from the competition – I received two such letters last year.

A well-written cover letter is succinct, sums up the offer and introduces the prospective Purchasers to the Sellers. You never know – maybe the Sellers’ neighbors have (in a lighthearted manner) asked the Sellers to sell to someone with kids (or not) or dogs (or cats).

Better to try your best the first time, you might not get a second chance to make that first impression.

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