Population increases (shocking!)

The Weldon Cooper Center has released a study showing population increases throughout the Commonwealth. The Thomas Jefferson Planning District (our region) has seen a fairly significant increase in its population – 7.5%.

Albemarle has seen a provisional change of 7.4%.
Charlottesville – (-.5%)
Greene – 11.2%
Fluvanna – 24.4%
Louisa – 12.1%
Nelson -  4.2%

The above numbers are the total percentages, combining the natural increases and the change due to migration. Settlement patterns continue to fascinate me. Even if we don’t build the roads, apparently people continue to come here. Where, however, is the Tipping Point?

Supply and demand (and interest rates) has thus far kept housing prices increasing. With growth such as this, I think that we are on track to maintain a moderate increase in prices, so long as government stays out of the free market.

Thanks to Bacons’ Rebellion for the heads-up.

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  1. Matt January 27, 2006 at 09:26

    I calculate the TJPD as growing 8.2% from the ’00 census to 7/05. The C-ville MSA (which evidently excludes Louisa for some reason) grew 7.5%. Several other items are interesting:

    (1) TJPD experienced ’04 to ’05 growth below the Va average for all counties (1.08% vs. 1.39%)

    (2) Annual growth which was the slowest in 4 years for the TJPD

    (3) Of the municipalities in the TJPD, only Louisa was above the Va average in terms of ’04 to ’05 growth.

    (4) I’ll admit, last year’s figures had me really worried, especially for Fluvanna, but ’04 to ’05 data tempers my concern a bit.

  2. uva08 January 27, 2006 at 18:42

    You know I was suprised when I saw that Louisa was included in the Richmond MSA rather than Charlottesville’s also. I think they base it on commuting patterns but even if you visit http://www.bea.gov/bea/regional/reis/jtw/action.cfm?tableid=27&fips=51901&format=htm&placetype=w&industry=0 you will notice that more people from Louisa commute to Charlottesville-Albemarle than those to Richmond-Henrico. If Louisa had been added to Charlottesville’s MSA then the population of the MSA here would have exceeded that of Lynchburg for the first time.