Albemarle Place update & podcast

Charlottesville Tomorrow has a podcast of Dennis Rooker’s appearance on WINA’s Charlottesville Live morning program. I hope that there is enough traffic and comments to encourage WINA to podcast their shows, both their morning show and their new afternoon show with Coy Barefoot. I expect that the afternoon show is probably very good, but I have not been able to listen yet.

Maybe if they would podcast the shows, more would listen.

Update: I am nominating Mr. Rooker for understatement of the week. Referencing the recent study that said 29 flows well – “The computerized traffic sequencing somewhat breaks down when you get to Hydraulic …”

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  1. TrvlnMn March 8, 2006 at 01:19

    Jim wrote:

    I am nominating Mr. Rooker for understatement of the week. Referencing the recent study that said 29 flows well – “The computerized traffic sequencing somewhat breaks down when you get to Hydraulic …”

    The three traffic lights that I always get the red at (after getting green at all the other lights) are: 1) Hydraulic and 29 (without fail). 2) Rio Road and 29. 3) the Traffic light at Wal-mart (no clue what that road’s supposed to be called). And then depending on the time of the day pretty much every traffic light north of that one.

    But yes overall it’s a lot better than it used to be.

  2. Jim March 8, 2006 at 08:11

    I get caught invariably at Hydraulic, the Greenbrier intersection and usually the Wal-Mart one.

    Coming south on 29 through the Hydraulic intersection is always a challenge, as I have to get in the right lane to get to my office. I wouldn’t say it’s a *lot* better, but it does seem better.

  3. Ray Hyde March 8, 2006 at 14:29

    How much you wanna bet the Wal-Mart light is triggered by sensors that favor WalMart?