I don’t know what it is, but being quoted in traditional media seems to lend more credibility. The masses do not yet read blogs … but they will. From David Hendrick’s story in this Sunday’s paper.While a potentially cooling real estate market may not seem to spell opportunity for many businesses, for stagers the trend is just fine.Where some see potential decline, others see potential opportunity.
Date Archives March 2006
Hybrid Home Completely Off the Grid
Awesome. Via Gizmodo.Hybrid Home Completely Off the Grid:Hybrid Technologies is almost finished building what it calls the Hybrid Living Home, a concept house that shows off hundreds of energy-saving and smart-home features. Using wind turbines, solar energy, earth tubes and high-tech electrical storage, the house is designed to be completely self-sufficient, achieving that holy grail that’s commonly called being “off the grid.” Hybrid Technologies is a company that develops a lithium battery-powered vehicle, and this house is designed to be compatible with that, too. Would it be nice to give the finger to the electric company, and all those other utilities.
Afternoon links for 03-02-2006
Spotting TrendsEmail Overload – a blog with tips to deal with email. I have only 433 in my inbox right now.Gladwell.com – one of my favorite authors, Malcolm Gladwell, now has a blog.
A gas tax?
A gas tax has been tossed around quite frequently as a method to both pay for transportation needs and encourage the use of other forms of transportation (e.g. walking, biking …)This post explains how many Americans may be in favor of a gas tax. The best part of the story is this comment – Yes, the idea is that the gubb’mint would spend the extra tax money on The Best Alternatives(tm). The theory here is that thousands of years of tradition of government blowing the vast majority of its tax revenues would suddenly be cast off and you could sleep easy knowing that clueless politicians are disbursing your hard-earned dollars better than nobel prize winning energy physicists (or so the government says and wants you to assume).What he said.I don’t think a gas tax is necessarily a bad idea. Trusting the government to implement said tax and use it as directed is the problem. Maybe all we have to do is wait for the politicians to not run for reelection, and then they’ll “do the right thing.”
Growth roundup
Cascadia Rezoning in County Deferred Albemarle Continues to deal with Growth Western Growth shows no sign of slowing 51.6% of homes go rural Managing Growth:A perspective from Loudoun Supervisor Sprawl Poll Kaine Ably Abandons Growth…
Nike Soccer videos
I love soccer. My clients know this, as one has asked me whether I place a higher value on properties that are in closer proximity to soccer fields. Short answer – yes.Nike Soccer has, in preparation for the World Cup, produced some awesome videos featuring Eric Cantona and many of the world’s most impressive players. The passion that he conveys and with which they play is infectious. My wife thinks I am crazy for enjoying these videos so much, but my daughter loves them.