A shorter title for this blog?

Based on this little exchange – (not linking to avoid pingbacks :))  –
http://www.cvillenews.com/2006/03/31/blog-round-up-5/#comments –

I think I’m going to change the title to simply realcentralva.com rather than “Central VA real estate news, trends and opinions” and leave the tagline “Tracking the Charlottesville and Central VA real estate market and more” or something to that effect – any thoughts anybody?

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  1. Chris Bubny April 7, 2006 at 12:17

    Go for it Jim. I’ve always thought that a small header is more attractive then a long one.
    RealCentralVa, Real Central VA or realcentralva.com are all good possibilities.

  2. Merv April 7, 2006 at 20:04

    You have a brand…stick with it.

  3. rdb April 8, 2006 at 22:42


    Since realcentralva.com is your blogs domain, I might lean towards implementing that for the title. Altough you could get crazy and have something like – Virginia is for Lovers, My Blog is for Lovers of Real Estate 🙂

    Here’s a couple links from our blog that discuss the importance of branding and name selection.


    Good luck!


    p.s. merv is right, you do have a brand already.

  4. Merv April 9, 2006 at 17:12

    After thinking about it….

    Real Central Virginia could be (is) your brand consistent with your URL realcentralva.com.

    The rest (Central VA real estate news, trends and opinions | Tracking the Charlottesville and Central VA real estate market and more) is the description.