A Summit for bloggers

One of the great things about the Charlottesville area is the opportunity to connect with others in a variety of interesting and unique ways.

Last year the inaugural blogging summit was held in Charlottesville – an unprecedented and unparalleled meeting of many of Virginia’s bloggers. Blogging has grown nation- and state-wide in the past year; the Charlottesville blogging arena has grown significantly, if not exponentially and has become a great source of opinions and information on what “is” Charlottesville. This year brings another summit – this time at the Darden School at UVa.

Politics tend to populate much of the blogging world, and for good reason – politics elicit opinions and politics impact everybody in one way or another. Norm at OMT has a succinct summary of the evolution of this year’s summit. The lineup of speakers is truly impressive. Kudos to the organizers.

Yet another thing to look forward to this summer.

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1 Comment

  1. Waldo Jaquith May 10, 2006 at 18:24

    I’m glad you’re coming! There are a lot of great events scheduled this time around, and Sorensen is clearly broadening the potential audience this time around.