SELC thinks so. The 19 page PDF makes for fairly interesting reading. When I finish it, I’ll post more. With soaring gas prices, maybe that trip to Short Pump won’t be so appealing and staying home to shop will be more economical.What do you think?
Date Archives May 2006
RSS Appreciation Day
RSS Appreciation Day – who knew? RSS is a vital component for news readers but also business blogs and real estate information delivery. The more people who use RSS both readers and content providers, the better for all. RCG is perhaps the leader in RSS delivery of real estate data. If only I could implement this type of search … One of my favorite RSS explanations remains Waldo’s “RSS for total Newbies.”
How will fuel prices affect development?
In many, many ways. My prediction is that telecommuting and higher-density developments will become much more prominent in the next five to ten years, due the forces of economics and necessity.QandO reports this morning that high fuel prices are here to stay.Counties are feeling the effects on their developments.PropertyGrunt has an excellent report on the effect of ChIndia on the real estate market, begun poignantly with a quote by Napoleon:“China is a sleeping giant. Let her lie and sleep, for when she awakens she will astonish the world.â€zFor some perspective on gas prices, check out this graphic -Courtesy of the WSJ.Finally, for a related (albeit time-consuming) read, check out this discussion on Adequate Public Facilities Ordinances and unintended consequences.Bacon’s Rebellion is up.