Craigslist in Charlottesville

The biggest news of the week could very well be the arrival of Craigslist. It is already making its way through local blogs – a bit ahead of the print news cycle, natch.

I haven’t seen (or looked for) studies seeking any correlation between blog readers and their awareness of Craigslist, but I am going to assume blog readers already know craigslist. Not everybody (yet) knows Craigslist, but they will. From a business perspective, ignoring this entrance could prove fatal.

Craigslist is changing industries. Newspapers’ classifieds are fighting for the same piece of pie that Google Base and Craigslist are – why do you think eBay purchased a stake in Craigslist?

Craigslist is free. Most importantly, Craigslist has something that every organization covets – its visitors’ trust. This inherent trust cannot be underestimated. There are problems with Craigslist and real estate – more on this later.

Update: Slashdot has a story on Craigslist today.

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  1. Jeannine June 19, 2006 at 11:12

    This is GREAT news! Coming from places where CL is very popular (NYC and Boston), I’ve missed the site.

    Thanks for the heads up!

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