Weekend links

Predicting population growth

Virginia land use to follow road plan – yeah, we’ll see.

Real estate advertising is focused more and more online.

The share of spending on online real estate ads grew from 10.3 percent to 14.7 percent, and is expected to grow to a 32.1 percent market share in 2010. Real estate ad spending in newspapers, meanwhile, is expected to shrink 32.9 percent from 2006-2010, which would give newspapers a 30.4 percent share of real estate ad spending in 2010.

Negative real estate headlines – might they be a driving factor in buyers’ psyches?

Energy prices slice into consumer spending

New Study Pinpoints top Places Where Real-Estate Prices May Fall

-and Jonathan Miller’s excellent analysis earlier this week

Pick your response wisely. Sometimes, initiating a pissing contest can backfire. All press is not good press.

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