Start your own MLS

I don’t get it. The FTC and DOJ want to force Realtors to open up the MLS to virtually anybody who wants to advertise there. (this is a somewhat hyperbolic statement, but that is the direction they ultimately seem to be going)

What is preventing the limited-service brokers, et. al. from starting their own competing websites via which they can advertise? Hm. Not a darn thing. Matter of fact, there are quite a few of them.

The MLS’s are owned by Realtors. Shouldn’t they be able to make the rules for themselves? I cannot join the state Bar without being an attorney. I need certification to join a medical board. Engineers have an association with limitations. Not everyone can be wear the ASE patch.

One of the primary differences separating the MLS is the inherent cooperation between Brokers. The industry is changing. What if this wasn’t the case? What if the MLS is forced to become just another medium to advertise? What if Realtors have to provide more representation for their clients rather than simply plugging information into the MLS? 

More at Russ’s blog.
Realestatejournal has a story, as does Inman.

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  1. boz July 17, 2006 at 09:59

    “The MLS’s are owned by Realtors.”

    But, the homes being listed are owned by the property owner, not the realtor.

  2. Jim Duncan July 17, 2006 at 13:06

    The homes being listed are owned by the property owner. Should they choose representation by a Realtor, part of that representation would most likely include marketing via the MLS.