Cable upgrades coming?

Will be finally get our HDTV? Or extended cable internet access? With the pending sale of bankrupt Adelphia, will the Central Virginia region finally see much-needed cable expansion beyond the City limits and the immediate urban ring? If we do, at least maybe Doc will be happy about something.

My clients now list high-speed internet access among their needs: water, electricity, a roof and internet access. Adelphia’s languishing behind the advancement of competitors (not locally, they’re a monopoly) has harmed the expansion of internet access. I would argue also that , the housing market to a certain degree has been impacted as has peoples’ ability to telecommute, thus having an impact on sprawl. The other side of this, of course, is that currently people are forced to live close-in because of this limitation, thus artificially contracting sprawl (to a very minor degree).

Who will we get? Comcast or Time Warner?


What if our region developed a wireless cloud?
A 2002 quote:

“We feel like this cloud will be just one more service we can offer to high tech industries that may want to relocate to Athens,” said Turner.

If this is successful, couldn’t we do the same?

Just a thought.

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  1. DocMultimedia August 3, 2006 at 21:04

    I would be happy if HD cable ever showed up, but I’ve heard rumors it still won’t be until 2008. DirecTV has been treating me well, but the fact that local stations won’t allow us to view national feeds of ABC, CBS, FOX, and NBC. They still feel that local advertising pays bills (or some such ludicrous reason), and really wants viewers.

    But the more HD, the happier I am 🙂

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