That’s a lot of Realtors

Based on this number – 173,323 (population of the Charlottesville MSA)
And this number – ~1300 (number of Realtors in the CAAR)

There is one Realtor for about every 133 people living the Charlottesville Area.

Only 315 Realtors have had more than five “sides” (per MLS transactions, either a closed listing or buyer-represented sale) since January of this year.  447 have had between one and four “sides.”

Hmmmm … with any economic upward trend, people will flock and flee when the curve starts to fade … the agent bubble may burst yet ….

Hat tip to the Freakonomics guys.

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  1. Merv August 24, 2006 at 20:19

    Time will tell….

  2. Merv August 24, 2006 at 20:34

    One more thing…up here according to what I heard at a recent MLS board meeting: 25% of MLS participating agents have not had ONE (that’s right, not one, nada uno, zilch, zero) transaction(s) in the last 12 months out of about 53,000 agents in the DC Metro region. Lets see… that’s like 12,500+ agents… The agent bubble is bursting! Get ’em out of the system!

  3. Jim Duncan August 25, 2006 at 14:43

    And … using the numbers above, only 58% of Realtors in the CAAR have had a transaction this year!

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