The HVAC company who will get my business

This afternoon I am sitting in a condo in Turtle Creek in Charlottesville waiting for the HVAC people to come between one o’clock and three o’clock. Lo and behold, my phone just rang (at 1:16 pm) and she told me that they were on their way!

Not only are they coming closer to the one o’clock than the three, but they called to tell me! Sad as it may seem, this is an unprecedented level of professionalism and common courtesy.

The company? Albemarle Heating and Air. Want to know the one that did such poor service that my calling Albemarle Heating and Air? Email me.

There is at least one other company whom I use, but there are several more who take business for granted. A pox on their houses.

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1 Comment

  1. Waldo Jaquith August 27, 2006 at 12:15

    Albemarle Heating and Air is awesome. They’re certainly not the cheapest, but they’re worth every penny.