Prioritize the students!

University students feel put upon and under-prioritized:

Charlottesville politicians are notoriously leftist. … In an interview with The Cavalier Daily a few months ago, Charlottesville City Councilor Blake Caravati stated that City Council cares far more about family units than for student housing. … But City Council has worked tirelessly to block as much new construction as possible with encumbering regulations. This has ensured stratospheric rent and housing prices.

But … what does all this data mean?

The city’s Department of Neighborhood Development Services will present a report to the City Council on Tuesday that outlines just how rapid the pace of construction has been and how rapid it will remain in the coming years.

The report should prove enlightening. I for one am looking forward to it.

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  1. Brett September 5, 2006 at 22:37

    I wonder if Mr. Levy of the Cavalier Daily pays taxes here…

  2. TrvlnMn September 7, 2006 at 16:01

    University students feel put upon and under-prioritized:…

    Two words – T.S.

    Mr. Levy’s needs to work on “fine tuning” his material. His article is all over the place. He clearly has little understanding of the topics he attempts to address. But then again this is a college newspaper so I guess we shouldn’t expect much.

  3. Jim Duncan September 7, 2006 at 22:17

    Taxes, Shmaxes. They are students, for goodness sakes! 🙂

    Thank you for mentioning how across-the-board his article was – I didn’t want to be the one to initiate that part of the discussion, but agree whole-heartedly. The story reads as if he had his conclusion written before he started and he was searching for ways to (ineffectually) make his point. Oh well.