Why Blog

At a Realtor function the other day in the midst of asking for money, another Realtor mentioned that she was trying to start a blog. She asked me about mine and said, “what have you gained from it? Have you gotten any business?”

My response was simple – the most valuable thing that I have gained from my blog is the knowledge. I have learned so much from the reading and researching that I do on a daily basis that I am far more aware and knowledgeable than I was before I started blogging.

Blogging is immensely time-consuming – several hours a day are spent reading, learning, writing, re-writing.

Starting to blog with the sole purpose being to make money and business is, in my opinion, the wrong reason to do so. One of the best aspects of the blogosphere is the transparency that comes with writing in public – if you’re wrong, they will tell you so. If you are using your blog as a vehicle to sell your “services,” that will come through as well. (There are plenty of real estate “blogs” in the Charlottesville area to which I could refer you).

Blogging is rewarding because of the relationships that are formed with other bloggers – real estate and otherwise. I have “met” many people much smarter than I from around the country who have taught me much – and for that I am grateful. Blogging gives one the opportunity to form relationships with others whom you may never meet, but who contribute via insightful and consistent commentary.

What have I gained? I’ve gained (and probably lost) a few clients because of my blog. More importantly, I am better prepared to serve my clients’ interests. Technology, agency (dual and single), land use and development, local and state politics, market trends, emerging trends, these are subjects about which the average Realtor probably does not make themselves aware. I am a real estate junkie. I wake up every day with a passion to do better. The blog is an extension of that passion and a repository for my thoughts.

This is not a derivative post of Greg’s recent post – it’s just a coincidence. 🙂 But I did like this:

— has weblogging been a productive lead generator? — I don’t know. A fuller answer is more complicated than that, but the whole issue is trumped by an even larger point: I don’t care.

I agree wholeheartedly.

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  1. Waldo Jaquith September 17, 2006 at 12:02

    I refused to list the latest Charlottesville real estate blog on Charlottesville Blogs — it’s the first time I’ve ever done such a thing. Because, quite simply, it’s terrible. There’s not a single piece of original content — every blog entry is cribbed verbatim from other real estate websites. I have a strong feeling such “blogs” are going to become annoyingly common.

  2. Jim Duncan September 18, 2006 at 07:43

    And that is the type of accountability that helps to separate the blogosphere from other forms of media/marketing.

  3. Daniel Rothamel September 18, 2006 at 10:39


    Your editorial expertise is much appreciated, as is your work for the Charlottesville blogging community.


    You are right on the money.

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